Cora Gertrude Goodrich

This week it becomes our duty to again chronicle one of those sad affairs which the press is ofttimes called upon to narrate, being the death of Mrs. W. H. Swan - nee Cora E. Goodrich, daughter of E. Goodrich, Esq., of this city -who died of paerperal fever at Toledo, O., Wednesday morning, Nov. 30th. in the twentieth year of her age, after a brief illness of b thir. e days.

The remains were brought to her home in the city Thursday of last week, and upon Sunday morning last the funeral obsequies conducted by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, were held at 11 First Baptist Church. when a large concourse of friends and acquaintances from both city and country, had assembled to pay their last respects to their beloved dead.

Of Mrs. Swan very much can be said. Personally, we have been acquainted with her from childhood, and in speaking of her, who by her kind, loving and admirable disposition, had won the personal regard and esteem of the entire community in which she resided, from the time of her birth we manifest not only the personal sentiments of ourselves, but all who knew her.

On the twentieth day of December, 1878, not quite three years since she was united in marriage to Mr. Will. H. Swan, of the local staff of the Sunday Democrat in this city, and about eighteen months after that event removed with her husband to Toledo, where they have resided ever since, and where, although their residence in that city has been of but short duration, she has, as at home, accumulated a host of warm friends, who join in deep sympathy with her sorrowing acquaintances here in mourning the ...loss.

In her husband's care is left the "little babe," motherless, when not quite two weeks old, and who bears the name of its mother "Cora," as given by its mother only a few hours previous to her death, and after she had learned that she could not be spared to care for this the first fruit of their union.

While we do fully realize that words will fail to soothe the void so keenly felt in the hearts of the sorrowing husband and parents, we join deeply with both the people of Toledo and Flint in extending our heartfelt sympathy to them in this the sad hours of their bereavement.


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