George D. Overly |
George D. Overly, carpenter and joiner, and City Marshal, Hesperia, was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, Sept. 24, 1844. His parents were Daniel and Mary A. (Glacon) Overly, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German-Scotch ancestry. When he was two and a half years old his parents moved to Wabash Co., Ind. And settled on a farm in Chester Twp.; and in 1856 they went to Miami County, same state, where George attended school. When the civil war broke out he enlisted, Sept. 13, 1861, in Co. D, 29th Reg. Ind. Inf., and joined the Army of the Cumberland, commanded by Gen. Buell. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, and several minor ones, without receiving even a scratch, and was honorably discharged Oct. 11, 1864. He immediately returned home, and Feb. 1, 1865, he again enlisted in Co. A., 155th Reg. Ind. Inf., and joined the Eastern army; but before he was called into action the war closed, and he was discharged at Indianapolis, Aug. 12, 1865. Again returning home, he went to learn the carpenter's trade, under the instructions of David Cooper, where he remained one year, then commenced to work for Jacob Harman, remaining two years. In Oct., 1870, he came to Michigan and settled in Hesperia, working at his trade, until 1877, then engaged in milling for two years; after this he became proprietor of the Hesperian Hotel, which he has operated until quite recently; he left the hotel to attend to his duties as City Marshal.
Sept. 14, 1873, Mr. Overly was married to Mary E. Greyson, daughter of Martin and Mary (Font) Greyson, natives of North Carolina; they moved to Indiana, where her father finally died. She was born in Indiana, March 27, 1851. Mr. And Mrs. Overly have had three children: George, born Sept. 12, 1874; Maggie, Nov. 25, 1876; Nellie, born Oct. 3, 1878, died May 1, 1880. Mr. Overly is a staunch Republican; is City Marshal, an office he fills very acceptably, and is a member of the I. O. G. T., and Odd Fellows.
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