Michigan Soldiers

From the Book
"Michigan in the World War"
Contributed by Sue DeHaan

FRED M. SCHULTZ, corporal, Company M. 16th Infantry. For extraoridnary heroism in action near Fleville, France, October 4, 1918. Leading his squad through a heavy barrage and against violent machine-gun fire, he attacked an enemy field gun which had been holding up the progress of our tanks. He disable the gun crew and took 15 prisoners, after which he personally captured a machine gun and killed its operator. Although wounded himself, he assisted two wounded members of his squad to the first-aid station.
Residence at enlistment: Bay City, Michigan.

GEORGE F. SCHULTZ, 3525520, private, Company E, 16th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Sedan, France, November 7,1918. While accompanying his company as liaison agent in the advance, Pvt. Schultz attacked, single-handed, a machine gun which was delivering a heavy fire, killing the gunner and causing many other casualties among the enemy. His act also caused other enemy machine gunners to withdraw and saved his company from a very dangerous flanking fire. Residence at enlistment: New Buffalo, Michigan.

FRED M. SCHULTZ, (Foreign Decoration)44376, corporal, Company M, 16th Infantry, 1st Division. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 17, 465, "D", dated May 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "Under a violent barrage he led his squad to the attack of a field piece, reducing it to silence and taking 15 gunners prisoner. He later captured a machine gun single handed, killing the gunner. Although wounded himself, he assisted two wounded men of his squad to reach the first-aid station." Residence at enlistment: Bay City, Michigan.

GEORGE F. SCHULTZ, (Foreign Decoration)3525520, private, Company E, 16th Infantry, 1st Division. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 17.465 "D", dated May 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "He attacked a machine gun in action single-handed, killing the guner and wounding the others of the crew." Residence at enlistment: New Buffalo, Michigan.

FRANK W. SHUELL, (Foreign Decoration)first lieutenant, 1st Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion, American Expeditionary Forces. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 13.021 "D", dated January 21, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "On September 20, 1918, near Vieville-en-Haye, at the head of a machine-gun platoon he displayed bravery during the action under the bombardments and attacks of the enemy, remaining always with his men in the positions and by his personal contempt for danger obtaining the best results during a long period of perils." Residence at appointment: 323 McClellan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

ANDREW T. SWEET, (Foreign Decoration)first lieutenant, 107th engineers, 32d Division. French Croix de Gerre with gilt star, under Order No. 14.381 "D", dated March 14, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "On the night of August 30, 1918, he took his whole company on to the battlefield to pick up the wounded. this work was accomplished under the fire of snipers, machine guns and artillery. His courage, his conduct and his intelligence particularly on the railroad embankment to the west of Juvigny gave an example to his men which incited them to make the greatest effort." Residence at appointment: 757 Bluff Street, Marquette, Michigan.