
by Terry E. Wantz

Wooster Hill was on the railroad between Fremont and Alleyton in section 15 of Sherman Township. The 1880 Atlas of Newaygo County show this settlement to be called Worcester Station. There being a long grade or hill on the railroad just before coming to Worcester Sta. The 1889 and 1893 maps in the Michigan Manual called this location Worcester Hill, but the U. S. Postal Service's records called it Wooster Hill. The 1900 Newaygo County Atlas called this location Ryerson Station.

Ryerson, Hill & Co. used this station to bring in supplies for there Long lake camp and to shipped logs and lumber out. The editor of the Newaygo Republican visited the camp and cave an account of it in the paper as follows: "Ryerson, Hill & Co. operate a farm in connection with the camp. A windmill supplies water which is piped to different buildings. The shanties are ordinary except that they are large enough to accommodate 100 men. There is a cook's shanty, men's wash room and a combined store and office. There were 80 men in camp, but the arrival of snow will greatly increase the force. A new barn 50X130 has been completed. They have a granaries and fanning mill. There is about 200 acres cleared and under cultivation.

The first Postmaster was William Moll and the last one was George Jerink when the office closed on Oct. 22, 1891. The mail then went to Fremont. Nothing remains there except a few holes in the ground. Another post offices was established during the next decade called Wooster, less than a mile down the track from the first station. On May 11, 1895, Wooster Post Office was established. This office was located on the line of sections 16 and 21 of Sherman Township. Cornelius Mast was the first Postmaster and Henry J.Radder was the Postmaster when the office closed on March 31, 1917. The mail then went back to Fremont again. This was one of the depots where the railroad placed a boxcar for a while to be used as a depot.

G. Van Os and Hoebeck had a store which sold General Merchandise. There was a Pickle Factory, Potatoes Warehouse and the Township Hall.