Ephraim Utley, farmer, section 8, Dayton Township, was a son of Ephraim H. and Sarah (Yerkes) Utley, natives of New York, who married and settled in Wayne Co., Mich., and afterward removed to Clinton Co., Mich., where they lived several years, then came to Newaygo County, where they made their home until death.
Mr. Utley, the subject of this notice, was born in Clinton Co., Mich., March 18, 1844. He lived at home until 16 years of age, when his father died, leaving him 160 acres of land and the care of his mother. He carried on this farm for ten years, when he moved to Newaygo and lived two years; then moved upon his farm of 160 acres, which he had previously purchased in Dayton Township, where 120 acres were well cultivated.
He was married in Newaygo County, Aug. 26, 1866, to Lucy, daughter of Stephen Gooch. She was born in West Virginia May 8, 1848. Their two children were Ralph, Born Aug. 30, 1868; and Clarence, born Dec. 6, 1874.
Mr. Utley held the office of Commissioner of Highways five years, Township Clerk six years, Treasurer one year. He was a Freemason and a Republican.
Mr. Utley had one of the best farms in Newaygo County. It was under good cultivation and had upon it most excellent buildings, which were an index to the enterprise of the man. He was a man of great energy and perseverance, and it is certainly not saying too much of him to say that he was classed among the most prominent citizens of the county. He was always ready and willing to favor every laudable enterprise inaugurated in his county or among his people. It was by the aid of such useful citizens that the great inventions and enterprises of this age have been made successful.
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