John Moote |
John Moote, farmer, section 30, Barton Township, was born Sept. 5, 1833, in Wellington Co., Can., and is the son of Joseph and Christina (McArthur) Moote, the former a native of Canada and the latter of Scotland.
The father died in his native place, Sept. 4, 1863; the mother is still a resident of the Dominion. At the age of 16 years Mr. Moote began to labor as a farm hand, and continued to fill that position at various places until his marriage. That event occurred Feb. 28, 1853, when he became the husband of Sarah S., daughter of John and Margaret (Greiggs) Foreman. Her father was English by birth and her mother was a native of Canada, where Mrs. Moote was born Jan. 28, 1833.
Mr. Moote remained a resident of Canada until 1868, engaged in farming, and in that year he came to Newaygo County, where he entered a claim of 80 acres of land in accordance with the regulations of the Homestead Act, and in the autumn following, took possession of his property. His good sense, management and industry here enabled him to increase his estate to 200 acres, of which he has cleared and improved 85 acres. He is a member of the Advent Church and a Republican in political faith and action. The family of Mr. Moote includes 11 children, four of whom constitute two pairs of twins. The are named as follows: Martha I., Charles W., John, James, Christina, Joseph W. and William H. (twins), David, Andrew, Jacob and George (twins).
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