Benjamin Ish, farmer, section 31, Dayton Township, was a son of Nicholas and Barbara (Votle) Ish, natives of Switzerland, came to this country with his parents when he was one and half years of age. They first settled in Stark Co., O., and afterward lived in Crawford and Wyandotte Counties. They came to Hillsdale Co., Mich., about the year 1843, where the father died, at the advanced age of 92 years; the mother died at the age of 74. Benjamin went to Hillsdale Co., Mich., when 21 years of age. He lived there 11 years, when he commenced farming. In the fall of 1854 he came to Newaygo County, being one of the first settlers. He took up 200 acres of land under the Homestead Act, to which he added 120 acres, and had nearly 200 acres in good state of cultivation, upon which he resided.
Mr. Ish was married in Sheridan Township, Oct 29, 1857, to Miss Helen, daughter of Norman and Charity Cunningham. Wm. L. Stewart, a Justice of the Peace, performed the ceremony under an elm tree. Mr. and Mrs. Ish had four children, viz.: Albert, Clarence, Theodore, and Deroy.
At one time Mr. Ish was Township Treasurer seven years; he also had been School Moderator. In politics he belong to the National party.
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